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AWS Cybersecurity Lab


Building a Multi-Subnet Cybersecurity Training Lab on AWS

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, the demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals has never been higher. Recognizing the critical need for hands-on experience in this area, I embarked on a project to build a comprehensive multi-subnet cybersecurity training lab using Amazon Web Services (AWS). This blog post delves into the journey of creating this lab, the challenges faced, solutions implemented, and the invaluable learning outcomes.

Project Overview

The primary goal of this project was to set up a simulated environment on AWS where cybersecurity enthusiasts and professionals alike could get practical experience with securing cloud infrastructure. The lab was designed to offer hands-on practice with AWS’s native security services, network segmentation, and security best practices.

Key Objectives:

  • Understand the benefits of using multiple subnets for security segmentation.
  • Gain practical experience configuring a secure cloud environment using AWS services.
  • Implement AWS security features like Security Groups and Network Access Control Lists (ACLs) to control network traffic flow.
  • Utilize AWS services for threat detection, vulnerability scanning, and comprehensive monitoring.

The Journey

Initial Setup and Configuration

The first step was ensuring access to the AWS Management Console and setting up IAM roles and policies to provide the necessary access levels for the team. Documentation on AWS Account Preparation is available here.

VPC and Networking Configuration

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) was configured with multiple subnets, including public access, training tools, Active Directory (optional), and Docker containers. This setup allowed us to demonstrate the effectiveness of network segmentation in a cloud environment. Detailed steps on VPC creation can be found in the AWS documentation.

Security Configurations

We focused on creating dedicated Security Groups for each instance type and configuring ACLs for subnets to restrict traffic flow according to security needs. These measures were crucial in simulating a secure network environment.

AWS Security Services Integration

The lab leveraged Amazon GuardDuty for threat detection, Amazon Inspector for vulnerability scanning, AWS WAF (Web Application Firewall) for web application security, and Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring. Each of these services played a vital role in ensuring a comprehensive cybersecurity training environment.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the initial hurdles we faced was the inability to SSH into our attacker and victim machines, which was crucial for our testing phase. After some troubleshooting, we realized the issue was due to an improperly connected Internet Gateway. Resolving this issue was a valuable learning experience in AWS network configurations.

Learning Outcomes and Next Steps

Through this project, we gained profound insights into the complexities of securing cloud infrastructure and the robust capabilities of AWS security services. The hands-on experience has been instrumental in understanding real-world cybersecurity scenarios and the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the field of cybersecurity.

The multi-subnet cybersecurity training lab is not just a testament to our technical capabilities but also a resource for others in the cybersecurity community to learn and grow. We plan to introduce more advanced threat scenarios and continue improving the lab’s security posture by integrating the latest AWS services and features.


This project has been an immensely rewarding journey into the depths of cloud security and AWS. It underscores the importance of practical experience in cybersecurity education and the potential of AWS to provide a scalable, secure environment for learning and experimentation.

For those interested in exploring or utilizing this cybersecurity training lab, further details and resources are available our repo. This lab serves as a foundation for ongoing learning and development in the crucial field of cybersecurity.